Phil’s Spicy Jerky Marinade



For 2 Lb meat, multiply as necessary

1/2 cup Soy sauce

1/4 cup Worshester sauce

1/2 cup Brown sugar

1 tsp Curing salt

1 tsp Garlic powder

1 tsp Onion powder

1/2 tsp Black pepper

1/2 tsp Cayenne Pepper

1/2 tsp powdered ginger

1/4 tsp pepper flakes (optional)


Mix all ingredients together in a non metalic dish/bowl (I use a glass measuring jug!)

Put meat & matinade in large ziplock bag and place in the refigerator for at least 24 hours

Then cook in an oven (of any type) @ 150 degrees F ish! or dehydrator untill the strips are dry but still flexible.